Vivek Vichar Manch

Vivek Vichar Manch is an organization that runs awareness campaigns on Indian constitution, constitutional nationalism, democratic values ​​and basic human rights. In order to inculcate the values ​​of the Indian Constitution in the society and to eradicate the discrimination in the society on the basis of religion, caste, language, race or gender, there is a need to constantly making awareness about constitutional values.

In many respects, the state of Maharashtra is known as an advanced and progressive state. However, the incidents of communal atrocities in Maharashtra have not stopped completely. Similarly, the discriminatory treatment of women has not been completely eradicated. Therefore, the society needs to be aware of modern liberal democratic values.

At the same time, anti-constitutional and anti-democratic movements like Maoism and Islamic Jihad are also active in the country and citizens need to be made aware of them. Problems like Maoism are active not only in remote areas but also in urban areas. Therefore, it is necessary to expose the urban Maoists who are trying to create chaos by spreading social hatred in urban areas.

With the above objective in mind, ‘Vivek Vichar Manch’ organizes various conferences, workshops and lectures in Maharashtra. Similarly, the ‘Vivek Vichar Manch’ works to find out the truth about the incidents of racial atrocities and human rights violations and bring the reality before the society. Also, the Vivek Vichar Manch provides a variety of assistance to bring justice to the victims in such cases.


1) Awareness about Indian Constitution, Democratic Values, Fundamental Human Rights, Secularism, Equality, Freedom, Fraternity, Social Justice, etc.

2) Various social awareness programs, workshops, conferences, training classes, study classes etc.

3) Fact-finding of incidents of violation of civil rights and human rights

4) To expose the anti-democratic, anti-constitutional and anti-national conspiracies of the Maoist movement and to make the citizens aware about it.

5) Awareness about the acts of Islamic terrorism

6) Awareness about the activities of various racist, separatist organizations.